Community Programming

Fair Park First is committed to enriching our community by offering free, accessible programming for all. These efforts include cultural programs, markets, art and educational workshops, fitness classes, family-friendly events, and other recreational activities designed to foster connection and engagement. Through these efforts, Fair Park First seeks to make Fair Park a vibrant and welcoming space that reflects and celebrates the community it serves.

We are dedicated to uplifting small local businesses, artists, and community organizations by providing opportunities to showcase their talents through community programming. If you are interested in hosting a community event or program at Fair Park, please complete our Community Partner Interest Application below.

Community Partner Interest Application

For a full calendar of free activities and events at Fair Park, click the button below.

Free Community Events

Community Programming Partners


We are grateful for our community partners who bring our vision for Fair Park to life. Their support and collaboration allow us to deliver our mission to make Fair Park a place for everyone to enjoy. 

TRAC Logo.png  Run It Up Logo (1).PNG Bonton Farms Logo.jpgHealing in my Hoops Logo.pngTexas Turtles Logo.png  Transcend Wellness Logo.png2 Inspire Peace.pngAfro Air Festival.pngCafe Ciro Logo.jpg JJC House Logo.png  artstillery logo.PNG XS-MI-logo-REV-WHT-LTR-BLK-BK-SMALL-Web.jpgGirlTrek.pngJuneteenth.png